From friends of CMTS:
Trevor Siegel is thrilled to announce his new feature-length musical film, “Explaining Elizabeth.” The film tells the story of a boy named Erik who, having spent his life understanding the world through musical theater, attempts to explain his older sister’s sudden death by devising a theatrical production about her life. “Explaining Elizabeth” is a unique independent student production with a cast and crew of over forty people, primarily Columbia students, united by a passion for film and storytelling. Featuring eight original songs, stunning cinematography, and an abundance of heart, this is one you won’t want to miss.
Join us for an advance screening of “Explaining Elizabeth” at Columbia University in Lerner Cinema on Sunday, April 7th, at 7:30 pm. After post-production officially wraps in May, the film will be submitted to numerous film festivals. See the trailer!
MAIN CREW: Written & Directed by Trevor Siegel, Original Score by Terry Foley, Choreography by Naomi Namboodiripad, Cinematography by Skyler Calkins, Produced by Camila Grunberg & Lily Imai, Executive Produced by Trevor Siegel
MAIN CAST: Kieran Lomboy as Erik, Monroe Lemaire as Elizabeth, Anja Vasa as Maria, Rebecca Ho as Cindy, Maya Small as Rose, Vincent Snyder as Adam Zaroff