Community Guidelines
Mutual respect among members is of the utmost importance within the CMTS community. No matter their level of involvement, CMTS members are expected to treat each other and all affiliates with respect in and out of rehearsals, production design meetings, audition and proposal rooms, meetings, and any and all other instances in which their actions represent and reflect upon the CMTS community as a whole.
Collaboration shall serve as the centerpiece of every CMTS production, meaning all members involved in a production in any capacity will show respect and thoughtful consideration for each other’s ideas, roles, and responsibilities.
All CMTS members are expected to maintain a professional decorum throughout rehearsals and production meetings in order to maximize the use of allotted time and ensure the success of the production.
Interpersonal conflict must be kept out of rehearsals and production meetings. If grievances arise, they should be brought first to the producer and director. If for any reason this is not possible due to the circumstances of the conflict, they can be brought directly to the Governing Board.
For each show, the Governing Board will provide an anonymous feedback form for the cast and production crew to utilize. This feedback form will be viewable only by the Executive Board (unless otherwise arranged at their discretion) who will disseminate information as needed. The Governing Board urges individuals, however, to address matters with their producer(s) and/or director whenever possible and reserve the form for only those cases in which feedback must go the Governing Board directly.
A member of the Executive Board and/or Governing Board representative will stop by each production during the first week of rehearsals to introduce themselves and the Board as well as explain the use of the anonymous feedback form.
Members are expected to always show up on time and fully present mentally and physically at all rehearsals, production meetings, etc. Any case of delay or absence must be communicated directly to the Stage Manager. Failure to adhere to these expectations will lead to intervention by the Board and possible further consequences.
CMTS members are expected to show the utmost respect for both the spaces we use on campus and the people who run those spaces and generously allow us to use them. Rehearsal and meeting spaces should always be restored to the condition in which they were found. Failure to do so will result in Board intervention and possible further consequences.
CMTS members are expected to show the utmost respect for any and all advisers and administrators on campus who work with us to ensure the success of our productions. Oftentimes these individuals must step in to be the unpopular voice of reason, but they do so with our best interests in mind and we must respect their authority as such. Failure to do so will result in Board intervention and possible further consequences.
CMTS members are expected to maintain a positive attitude about their production and the wider CMTS community and bear in mind that any time you step into a performing or event space as a CMTS member you are representing our community as a whole. That being said, we encourage any member with legitimate, reasoned concerns to bring them before the Board.
The creation of a hostile environment by anyone associated with a CMTS-sponsored production or event warrants removal from said production or event. If any individual involved in the production or event observes or is subject to hostile behavior, we ask that they report it to an Executive Board member or a student life advisor so that further action may be taken.
Though not a strict requirement of membership, we encourage all CMTS members to support the community by attending CMTS events such as fundraisers, special events, and mainstage shows.