REDACTED: The Untold (Un)True Story of Roswell New Mexico: The Musical

Glicker-Milstein Theatre, MARCH 4-6, 2024

Come see the first ever First Stages production – REDACTED. First Stages is a new branch of CMTS dedicated to putting on full showings of original, student-written musicals like REDACTED, which follows the aftermath of a flying saucer crash landing in the desert outside of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. This kicks off a chain of action-adventure mayhem, during which disgraced rocket scientist William Nye must help two aliens return to their interstellar mission, all the while evading both KGB and FBI agents seeking to steal the extraterrestrial technology to gain an upper hand in the blooming Cold War. Joseph Stalin and Harry Truman are also there! Will our plucky alien duo return to their mission, or be dissected forever in Area 51? Will William Nye redeem himself? And, most importantly, will Special Agent Svetlana Svetlanavich of the KGB ever open up her own burger joint? Join us March 4-6 to find out! Our journey has a 2 hour runtime with a 10 minute intermission.



Director — Tatiana Santos Mroczek

Composer/Lyricist — Terry Foley

Writer — Marino Bubba

Music Director — Ruby Liebmann

Choreographer — Tal Bloom

Producer — Cynthia Gan

Stage Manager — Alice Lin


Set Designer — Emma Sullaway

Costume Designer — Khadijah Ceesay

Props Designer — Jon Pankauski

Lighting Designer — Mel Brigham

Assistant Director — Kacie Koen

Assistant Producer — Sarah Tabak

Assistant Costume Designer — Amelia Verba-Beaudoin

Assistant Lighting Designer — Maxwell Epstein

A1/Sound Designer — Sammy Henkin

Dramaturge & Dialects — Ryan Puterbaugh

Wellness Captain — Owen Mefford

Social Media — CC Shaw

Photographer & Videographer — Olivia Kuan-Romano


William Nye — Olivia Cull

Svetlana Svetlanavich — Lonnie Miller

Ally — Mimi Gillies

BOB — Lilly Gasterland-Gustafsson

Harry Truman — CC Shaw

Joseph Stalin — Mia Shih

John Dickson — Julia Smith

Dick Johnson — Aaron Castro


Conductor — Ruby Liebmann

Bass — Terry Foley

Cello — Leel Moka Dias

Drums — Marino Bubba

Guitar — Jeff Stein

Keys/flute — Joey O’Neill

Percussion — Reid Metoyer

Trumpet — Larry Davis

Trombone — Michael Boisture

Violin — Abigail Hart

Orchestrators — Fanglin Yuan & Max Kleban